A cute chute photo-shoot with Goldwin 0 and This Thing Of Ours

Remember we told you about our talented mate Mark Gregson shooting the new Wild Things gear HERE last week? Well no content with blowing our Mancunian minds he’s also been out in the Peak District shooting another one of our favourite brands for one of our favourite stores. Choosing the appropriately named Bleaklow in the Peak District as the location Mark shot T.T.O.O. founder Tim hopping around the hills with a resistance chute in hand whilst kitted out in a super suave rig out from the latest Goldwin 0 drop. The clever connection here being that the Pertex jacket Tim can be seen wearing is the ‘Parachute Seed Wind Shell’ which also takes flower buds and seeds as it’s design inspiration too. The experimental arm of the legendary Japanese outdoor brand the 0 collection exists to showcase how technical expertise can be fused with a fashion forward approach to design to create a seamless connection between the worlds of art and science. All killer and no filler, this cool AF capsule collection does exactly what it says on the tin with both the performance and aesthetic levels turned up to maximum.

Shop the new Goldwin 0 collection at This Thing Of Ours HERE.

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